Ethereum: Unable to deploy Transparent Proxy contract to Polygon mainnet with Hardhat
Ethereum: Don’t assign a translucent intermediate server contract ‘Mainnet’ polyge with hardchat
As a creator, we have all experienced disappointment to deploy intellectual contracts in different Blockchains. In this article, we will investigate why Ethereum is unable to agree on our transparent commissioner agreement on Polygon Mainnet using Hardhat.
Let’s dive into what can cause the problem. When we are deploying our TestNet (Mumbai) contract with Hardhat, everything works well. However, when we try to plan it on the Polygon’s main computer, we find a mistake.
To insulate this problem, we will use errors removal and actions to solve the problem, a combination of methods.
Step 1: Check the network compatibility
First of all, let us make sure that our contract is compatible with the network we are trying to implement. We can use the () feature to show the current network we are pursuing.
CONST NETWORK = waiting for Ethers.getnetWork ();
Console.log (; // Exit: polygon
This confirms that we are looking for Mainnet Polygon.
Step 2: Check the contract implementation configuration
Then check that the configuration of our contract is correct. We need to ensure that “the asset of both contract (binary interface program) is coincidental with our network:
CONST perheroxycontract = waiting for Ether.GetContractory (“PermentpoxyContract”);
Const domentalconfig = {
Objective: {[]: “Polygon”}
If the "goal" property is not properly determined, the contract will fail.
** Step 3: Check Hardhat and Config version
We will also check that our Hardhat version and configuration are compatible with Poligon Mainnet. We can use the Hardhat.config.js file to set up the network:
module.exports = {
// … Other configurations …
Networks: {{{{{{{{{
Polygon: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{
Blocknumber: 1000
Make sure you place the nature of the Lancid on the real polygon -vevo mainnet ID.
Step 4: Check Operations Error
To confirm that our contract is successfully distributed, we check the errors of operations:
CONST TXHASH = wait for partitionproxikontraction {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Og
… ImpleConfig,
Gaslimit: 2000000
Console.log (txhash); // Exit: Magn Implementation Operations
If we are confronted with an error during the implementation procedure, this may indicate that our contract is improperly applied.
When you do these steps, if you still have a problem by arranging a transparent intermediate server contract with a Polygon Mainnet with Hardhathat, make sure::
- Configuration of the Implementation of the Contract corresponds to the network
- Use a compatible version of Hardhat and configuration at Polygon’s main
- The transaction is successfully distributed
If none of these solutions to the problem solves the problem, contact more information about the project design and implementation, and I will be happy to help.