Ethereum: how to pass arguments to sol scripts

Ethereum: Passing arguments to solidity scripts

When writing intelligent contracts in solidity, one of the most common challenges is to transmit arguments to the scripts. Scripts, specifically

** What are the arguments?

The smart contract. For example, consider a simple contract with two functions: Function Add (A UINT256, B Uint256) {} and Multiply function (A UINT256, B UINT256) {}.

Passing arguments to scripts

Script, you must use the correct syntax to pass variables as function arguments. In solidity, this is usually done using the key word call 'followed by the name of the argument.

For example, in theMycontract:


Mycontract contract {

// ... (other functions)

Execution of functions (

Address _feererecipient,

Uint256 _Feebase,

uint256 _taxbase,


) Public {

// use the arguments approved here

Call (_Feerecipient, _feebase, _taxbase); // pass the arguments as calls to the function



In this example, us

Passing complex arguments

Ethereum: how to pass arguments to sol scripts

If you need


Execution of functions (

Address _feererecipient,

uint256 [] _Feebase,

uint256 [] _taxbase,


) Public {

// use the arguments approved here


Here, we

Tips and best practices

  • Always use the correct syntax to pass arguments to scripts.




Example use case

Here is an example contract that demonstrates how to use the 'run' function with different types of arguments:


Mycontract contract {


// Do something with the sum of A and B

Uint256 = A + B results;

// Pass the argument as a call function

Call (result);


Multiply function (Uint256 A, Uint256 b) Public {

// Do something with the product of A and B

UINT256 = A * B results;

// Pass the argument as a call function

Call (result);





Following this hand, you can write efficient and