Ethereum: Convert bech32 Bitcoin address to legacy
Converting Bech32 Bitcoin Addresses to Legacy Format Using Web3.js
W, Bitcoin for the format used by Ethereum blockchain (sin32) to the list, the Segwit Bitcoin. The Poplar Javascript Library Web3.js.
Background *
Before diving in the conversion process, let’s quickly the differences between between and SegWit DV:
Bech32: * A two-party for the format format that Coins a hexadicimal ky (public key) with a tag (version). It is used by Bitcoin Core Wallets and Many of Applications.
* Segwit:
An improvement to the sinat, it is the data in into chunks called “tags” and ads support multiplication.
Converting Bech32 to Legacy Segwit Addresses
Segwit Format, you’ll need to follow thees:
- ** Calculate vely. Infura (e.g., the Bitcoin Core Wallet).
. .
Here’s Soemple Code to Get YouTarted:
Const Web3 = Require ('Web3');
Const Web3 = New Web3 (New Web3.providers.httpprovider ('
// Extract the Public Key (Hex String) from the Bech3
consta cod32address = '12345678901234567890abcdef';
Const publickey = (sin32address, 0);
// Calculate the Block Number and Timestamp
Const blocknumber = web3.eth.blocknumber;
Const timestamp = web3.eth.timestamp ();
// Create a New Segwit Eddress
Const Segwtaddress =$ {Blocknumber} $ {Timestamp} $ {PUBLICKEY.Tostring (16)} ($ {1}) ($ {2}) ($ {3}) ($ {4}) ($ {4} ) ($ {5}) ($ {6}) ($ {7}) ;
console.log (segwtadddress);
** There is a 1
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, …, 7 ‘. .
This code snippet demonstrates the extraction the public way and sin. Bitcoin to the Legacy SegWit Formats using web3.js.
Additional Tips:
- You can need to add your code accordingly.
Bitcoin address to the segwit formats to use web3.js. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask!