Bitcoin: Distribution range for sending transactions to inbound and outbound connections
Bitcoin transaction propagation algorithm and distribution range **
Bitcoin’s transaction propagation algorithm is a complex process that involves several knots, a network of colleagues and sophisticated cryptography. The goal is to ensure the integrity and authenticity of all transactions across the network.
In this article, we will delve deeper into Bitcoin’s main code and explore the specific files where you can find information about the transaction propagation algorithm distribution range for input and output connections.
Overview of the transaction propagation algorithm
The Bitcoin Transaction Propagation Algorithm involves several -chave components:
- Transaction Validation : Checking the validity of transactions received to ensure that they correspond to the sender’s address, time and other metadata.
- Consensus Algorithm
: To ensure that all nodes agree with the state of the network, which includes the updated blockchain.
Distribution range for input transactions
The distribution interval for input transactions refers to the interval where a transaction is considered valid and can be propagated through the network.
According to Bitcoin’s central code, the Sendtransaction 'function (SRC/Main/cryptographic/core/ uses the following logic to determine the distribution interval:
// Calculate the minimum and maximum block number for input transactions
UINT256 minblocknum = 1000000; // minimum number of block to be valid
UINT256 maxblocknum = 6000000; // Maximum block number to consider valid
// Calculate the minimum block time to consider a valid transaction
Uint256 Mintime = 10 * 60; // minimum time in seconds between transactions (10 minutes)
In these calculations, minblocknum
represent the interval of block numbers in which a transaction is considered valid. Similarly, Mintime
represents the minimum time interval in which a transaction can be propagated through the network.
Distribution range for output transactions
The distribution range for output transactions involves calculating the maximum number of blocks and the time a transaction can be sent to propagate through the network.
According to the central code of Bitcoin:
// Calculate the maximum number of blocks for output transactions
UINT256 maxblocknum = 1000000; // Maximum block number to consider valid
// Calculate the maximum time in seconds between transactions (10 minutes)
Uint256 Maxtime = 600 * 60; // Maximum time interval in seconds between transactions (10 minutes)
In these calculations, maxblocknum
represent the interval of block numbers and times when a transaction can be sent to propagate through the network.
Bitcoin’s central code provides valuable information on distribution intervals for input and output transactions. By understanding these intervals, you can better appreciate the complexity and sophistication of the Bitcoin transaction propagation algorithm.
Remember that this information is specific to Bitcoin’s central code and may not be applicable to other blockchain implementations or modifications.
Additional resources
For more information about Bitcoin’s transaction propagation algorithm, including its implementation details and optimization techniques, I recommend exploring the following sources:
- Bitcoin’s central documentation: [ ( / docs/
- The Bitcoin Developer Conference (BTCDEV): [ (
- Cryptographic specialization in the Bitcoin community: [Bitcoin Subreddit, R/Bitcoin] (https: //www.reddit.