Metamask: How do I get Wagmi useWaitForTransaction to wait for Metamask (running on Hardhat)?

Metamask Integration with Wagmi: Awaiting Business Completion

. Two popular tools that make waves in the web3 room are metamk and wagmi. UseWaitForansaction ‘combination with metamk, which works in the local hardhat node.

What is Metamk?

Metamk is a popular Ethereum wallet that allows users to manage their accounts, balance and business. It provides an api Interaction


Wagmi is a web3 connection management library, providing an easy way to interact with wallets, oracles and other services. Its hook usewaitfortransaction" allows you to wait for the transactions to be completed in a particular wallet before processing the result.

Metamast Setup to Hardhat

To use Metamask in the Local Hardhat Node, follow these steps:

  • Install Metamas as Dependence on Your Project:


Npm to install metamask




Import {createclient} from ‘@metamk/DAPP’;

Const Metamk = Createclient ({

Address: ‘0x … yourmmetamaddress …’, // replace with your Metamask Wallet Address

Network: ‘Mainnet’, // Select Your Network (EG Mainnet, Devnet)


Export Default Metamk;


UseWaitForansaction integrate with wagmi

Now that you have entered metamask, let’s integrate it with wagmi using usewaitfortransaction. Add the Following Code to the 'Metamk.js':


Import {usewaitforansaction} from ‘wagmi’;

CONST WALLMI = UseWaktForransaction ({

Hook: ‘Usemetamk’,

Args: {

Customer: Metamk,



Export Default Wagmi;


What does it do?

Hook usewaitfortransaction hook takes the hook parameter that indicates the library to wait. In this case, we use usemetamk", which is a wagmi local hook to interact with metamask.

We hand over the "args" object containing the "client" case from metamask, which is obtained using the "createclient ()" method.

Waiting for Transactions with Metamass

When you call "wagmi", it will wait for the deal to complete the local hardhat node using metamk. This means that when the deal is started, "wagmi" will be:



Usingusewaitfortransaction ‘, you can separate your application’s business logic from the underlying blockchain, making it easy for complex workflow management and error reduction.

Example of Use of Use

Metamask: How do I get Wagmi useWaitForTransaction to wait for Metamask (running on Hardhat)?

Here is an example of how you could use wagmi with metamk to send a deal:


Import {wagmi} from ‘./metamk’;

Const {chainid, accounts} = wait for wagmi.createTransaction ({

Type: ‘eth_send_transaction’,

Data: {

// Your Transaction Data Here,



Const score = wait for chainid.tobuffer ();


In this example, “wagmi” creates and new deals metamask api and sends it to Ethereum mainnet. The variable variable is then obtained from the transaction that can be used in your application.


Combination with Metamk, which acts on the local hardhat node. Suphisticated and reliable applications that process transacts simply.